Premature ejaculation

Intense erection in men over 40

Not only with psychasthenia there is a fear of losing male power. Many types of psychopathy and character accentuations are accompanied by a sense of inferiority and painfully developed pride.

Therefore, impotence arising for psychological reasons is closely related to the personality characteristics of men.

S. Schnabl identifies certain personality traits in men suffering from impotence. These include:

  1. The desire not to differ in their behavior from other men.
  2. Demonstration of the “absence” of emotions, sensitivity, coldness in actions.
  3. The desire for exaggeration, pomp, egocentrism, conviction of superiority, inability to emotional empathy, ignoring the needs of another person.
  4. The tendency to obsessive fears (phobias), self-doubt, refusal to try to overcome any difficulty, inability to quickly restore balance after any failure.
  5. A tendency to doubt combined with increased sensitivity; such men, due to their scrupulousness, tendency to exaggerate, constant reflection and desire to be convinced of the correctness of their actions, are especially exposed to erection disorders.
  6. Deviant traits (sexual deviations – author’s note) in men who can achieve normal erections only if they perform deviant sexual acts or as a result of sexual fantasies.
  7. Kinsey believes that those men who are fairly late in puberty and who are characterized by timidity and lack of enterprise in social contacts are especially prone to erectile dysfunction.

In men with neurotic impotence, K. Imelinsky, in addition to erectile dysfunction, notes timidity, mood swings, instability of vegetative manifestations, neurotic disorders of the cardiovascular system, insomnia; they feel sick and incapacitated and constantly seek help from a doctor.

The more a man is afraid to be insolvent, the more he has problems with potency.

K. Imelinsky describes the next most frequent mechanism of neurotic (functional) impotence. As a result of several failures (sometimes even one), a man has the idea that he is sick with impotence. Each failure when attempting to have sexual intercourse on the principle of self-hypnosis, associated with fear in anticipation of failure, entails failure at the next attempt to have sexual intercourse. Thus, neurotic erection insufficiency develops and deepens.

During this period, often just enough advice is enough to eliminate the disorder. If this does not happen, then the man is more and more affirmed in the mind that he is sick with impotence, more and more afraid of his fate and sexual potency, more often concentrates on the penis and erection.

All this, together with the fear of being compromised and ridiculed, as well as disbelief in one’s own strength turns into factors inhibiting the appearance of erections. If the sum of such inhibitory factors exceeds the threshold of excitability, then not only will erections completely disappear, but sexual need will also decrease a second time.

In these cases, paradoxical reactions are detected – the more a man suffering from sexual neurosis is carried away by his partner, the less pronounced sexual arousal (instead of it may be a state of nervous tension) and a weaker erection, or they disappear altogether.

And vice versa, the less a man is attached to a partner, the better his erection. This is due to less stress, less fear and the absence of fears of compromise, since the opinion of this partner is not so significant for him.

And a man who does not suffer from sexual neurosis will have the opposite – the more he is emotionally and erotically passionate about his partner, the more his sexual arousal, and the more intense the erection.

A similar paradoxical effect is caused by the erotic caresses used by the partner. In a healthy man, they increase the degree of sexual arousal and the power of erections. And in a man suffering from sexual neurosis, they can cause the opposite effect, that is, cause a complete lack of erection. Or if there was an initial partial erection, then when a partner tries to use erotic caresses to enhance an erection, she may completely disappear, or there may be an ejaculation without an erection at all.

The reason for such paradoxical reactions is a pronounced fear of failure, blocking the possibility of an erection.

Such a mechanism for the occurrence of impotence happens even in men who have had everything in order with an erection for many years. Once a man fails, at least once, the fear of repetition of failure is firmly entrenched in his brain, interfering with normal sexual arousal.

And even more so, erectile dysfunction is exacerbated when, with a weak erection, his partner behaves incorrectly in a man.

If a woman makes it clear to a man, even if not with words, but with her behavior, facial expressions, facial expressions that she is surprised or unhappy that the partner could not have normal sexual intercourse with her, then with this behavior she inflicts deep moral trauma, even if she herself does not want this.

And if a partner behaves unceremoniously and tactlessly discusses his insufficient erection with a man, and even more so, insults him, compares him with other men in her life, then in such cases impotent can be made from any normal man.

Therefore, the cause of psychological impotence may be a woman’s abnormal behavior during an intimate relationship.

In some cases, problems with potency arise in a man through the fault of his wife, for example, if she is a tyrannical, domineering or tactless woman.

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