Human sexuality

Orgasm in women

Orgasm in women differs in the following characteristics:

1. By source:
a) coital (during sexual intercourse);
b) extracoital (without intercourse):
– during sleep (more often with erotic dreams);
– during masturbation;
– during petting;
– random (at the height of emotional experiences or with a strong general vibration).

2. By localization:
a) clitoral;
b) vaginal;
c) mixed;
d) uncertain localization.

3. Adrift:
a) short-term (pikoobrazny);
b) multiple (multi orgasm);
c) protracted (wavy);
d) erased (reduced).

4. By intensity:
a) strong;
b) moderate;
c) weak.

W. Masters and W. Johnson concluded that there is no separate “vaginal” orgasm. In the physiological aspect, the substrate of any orgasm is rhythmic contractions of the genital organs, more pronounced in the lower third of the vagina, but also occurring in the uterus with an interval of 0.8 seconds. From 3 to 15 such abbreviations are registered, and the brightness of the orgasmic experiences is determined by their intensity and quantity. In the last decade, research by American sexologists Whipple and Komisaryuk convincingly showed the impossibility of localizing the female orgasm at a particular point in the body or genitals. With the help of nuclear magnetic resonance, they found an almost identical picture in motionlessly lying women, causing orgasmic experiences only with the help of imaginary erotic images and among those who achieved orgasm through masturbation. But still in the subjective assessments of what kind of stimulation leads to orgasm, there are large differences among women. For example, among young German women surveyed in the 70s of the last century, 30% considered impact on the clitoris the most important condition for achieving orgasm, 17% – stimulation of the vagina, 4% – other parts of the body, but the most common answer was “it happens differently ”- 45% (K. Starke, W. Friedrich, 1991). Consider the main options for the flow of female orgasm.

Short (pikoobrazny) orgasm. It occurs in a woman as a result of adequate intensity and duration of sexual stimulation, which leads to a sharp, intermittent increase in arousal with a single intensive orgasmic discharge and subsequent general relaxation. In some cases, after experiencing an orgasm, they experience a state resembling a refractory period in men. Therefore, if the partner did not ejaculate and he continues to have frictions, the sexual intercourse even begins to bother the woman, because it prevents her from indulging in the feeling of relaxation and rest that has already appeared. Such women do not have the need for finishing caresses, and with repeated coitus (after a short period of time), sexual excitement does not always increase to a level that can cause a new orgasmic discharge.

Multiple orgasm. Multi-women with adequate sexual stimulation are able to experience multiple orgasms for a long time without leaving the arousal phase. In some cases, the woman feels the need for an orgasmic series (up to 10 orgasms and more), and during intercourse, the brightness and intensity of each of them is weaker than with a single (peak) orgasm. The first orgasms of this series occur more often and appear brighter, the next – at increasing intervals of time and with less intensity, until the woman is fully satisfied. In other cases, bright orgasmic discharges alternate with less pronounced orgasms without any clear pattern and are more associated with the nuances of sexual stimulation and the emotional state of the woman. If multi-needs are not adequately realized, then after a coitus, she long remains a feeling of unresponsive arousal, often developing into physical and mental discomfort. The sexual partner of such a woman should take into account her multiorgastic inquiries, which, depending on the situation, can be satisfied during repeated sexual acts or petting. However, even a pronounced multiorganism is not observed at every sexual intercourse, since the ability to experience multiple orgasms largely depends on the woman’s physical and mental state at the time of intimacy, the nature of interpersonal and sexual relations with a partner.

Protracted (wavy) orgasm. Occurs in women due to very low thresholds of excitability due to pathology of deep brain structures. Such an orgasm easily begins with any form of sexual stimulation, including extracoital, and can last up to tens of minutes. Sexual arousal without additional stimulation (or at its periodic renewal) at intervals of several seconds fluctuates from plateau to orgasm and back. Such incalculable orgasms do not provide complete satisfaction, therefore, often these women complain about the absence of sexual discharge. They note an extremely strong and prolonged sexual arousal, which is periodically accompanied by twitching of the muscles of the perineum and other muscle groups, expecting something more, but this is the way most often manifested this form of orgasm. When examining women with a wave-like orgasm, they usually reveal signs of organic brain damage (long-term effects of birth trauma, previous neuroinfection, etc.).

Blurred (reduced) orgasm. It arises easily in a woman because of the very low threshold of the orgasmic reflex even at the stage of preliminary caresses or at the very first frictions. Since this happens very quickly, and sensual feelings are mild, these women often lack the feeling of experiencing an orgasm and may complain about their inability to achieve sexual discharge. This condition can be regarded as a female counterpart of the most pronounced cases of premature ejaculation in men.

If the first two options for orgasmic discharge in women are normal, the presence of a protracted or erased orgasm in some cases requires a special correction.

It should also be borne in mind that in women, the presence or absence of orgasm does not always directly correlate with satisfaction with sexual intercourse. There are women who have never experienced orgasm, but this doesn’t make them at all and sex life is a pleasure. Usually such women are connected with a partner by strong erotic love, close interpersonal relations, or at least a man fully satisfies her numerous non-sexual needs. In addition, if a sexual partner is able to provide a woman with a sufficient duration of sexual intercourse (over 10–15 minutes) or another form of sexual stimulation, in most cases a kind of “sensory saturation” occurs and she often has satisfaction with closeness, despite the absence of relaxation. According to one of the polls, about 30% of American women do not see any problem in the long absence of orgasm and consider their sex life quite satisfactory and happy. On the contrary, in cases of violations of the emotional connection between partners, a woman can more or less regularly reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse, but this does not bring complete sexual satisfaction, since she negatively perceives everything connected with conflicting partnerships.

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