How can a woman prevent premature ejaculation in a man?
If you want men to already start, then this is not possible. But you can delay its offensive. For this, sexologists recommend several methods that can help to independently overcome existing ejaculation.
Firstly, there are special creams and “brake ointments” that turn into the glans penis, thereby reducing its sensitivity, and excitation occurs more slowly, ejaculation is delayed. But at the same time, the partner must always wear a condom, otherwise the ointment will reduce the sensitivity of the female genital organs.
Secondly, a man, feeling that he is already very excited, can stop the frictions, wait a little, so that the excitation decreases slightly, and then resume them again. And so several times. But then the orgasm can be much more intense.
If this is not enough, and the man is threatened with opportunities, then he must remove the penis from the female and female genital organs. This delays ejaculation.
Thirdly, if a man does not want to devote his partner to his problems and delay ejaculation directly during intercourse, then he can train during masturbation (masturbation training). The principle is the same – when an orgasm approaches, a man should press his fingers on the head in narrow and very dense glasses. I repeat this exercise many times, a man will learn to move the time to come ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse.
Fourthly, control over elution and prolongation can be exercised in accordance with the principles and principles of love, which are described in detail in the chapter “How to prolong sexual intercourse.”
Fifthly, if you have a trusting relationship, this can help a man to remain in the position of “a woman from above”, in any of her options – in the “Little Faith” position or in the “horsewoman pose”. So that he feels the approach of an orgasm. A woman stops her movement up and down and sits motionless for some time until the partner’s arousal decreases. After that, it will gradually begin to move forward, like an “iron”, when there is no such strong tension. During these movements, the woman herself enjoys.
When an erection in a man is restored, the partner proceeds to up and down movements using the muscles of the vagina and the orgasmic cuff. The man stimulates her clitoris, and in the pose of the “horsewoman,” where she sits with her back to the partner’s face, the woman herself stimulates him.
As soon as the partner’s excitement again approaches a critical level, he again gives a signal to the partner, and she again stops moving. And so it is repeated several times until the woman experiences an orgasm.
With a sensation of an approaching orgasm, a woman performs vigorous frictions up and down, and an orgasm of partners can occur simultaneously.
If a man’s arousal is very strong, and when a woman’s penis is in the woman’s vagina, there is a possibility of ejaculation, then the partner completely breaks the contact of the genitals and, sitting on the partner’s hips, stops touching his penis.
Sixth, you can use the compression method proposed by William Masters and Virginia Johnson. It is also used in the position of “a woman sitting on top.”
If the partner’s ejaculation is already close, and he tells the woman about it, she is released from the penis and gently presses its head in the front-back direction. When the arousal of the man subsides a little, the woman reinserts the penis into the vagina and continues to frictions. If the partner is not yet satisfied, and the partner again feels the approaching ejaculation, she again breaks the contact of the genitals and repeats pressing the partner’s penis head.
This delay in ejaculation is one of the principles of sex therapy, recommended by many sexologists. It is used in sex therapy sessions for men with premature ejaculation. With such training, a man learns to withstand prolonged stimulation without premature ejaculation.
In case of premature ejaculation, it is recommended to perform more frequent and repeated sexual acts, during sexual intercourse switch attention from sexual stimuli to non-sexual ones, use a condom, which reduces peripheral irritability.
But if for the first time in a man’s life it turned out that ejaculation, in spite of his will, came earlier than he wanted, and the partner hadn’t experienced orgasm, then this is okay if he is an altruist and not a sexual egoist. In this case, if the partner’s erogenous zone is the clitoris, then you can end the sexual intercourse with caresses on the partner’s clitoris in any version that is more attractive to her – hand, finger, tongue or vibrator. A woman with a mixed vaginal-clitorical version of the orgasm will receive sexual satisfaction when combining any variant of the clitoris caresses with vaginal stimulation using a dildo. And henceforth, to prevent this from happening again, it is advisable for a man to use one of the above methods to prevent premature ejaculation.
In the case when premature ejaculation is an episodic phenomenon associated with psychological factors, the above methods will help to overcome it. The main thing is that it does not gain a foothold and does not become resistant. Then it will be harder to fight it.
If you manage to prevent it using one of the methods given here, then you should not fix it on this, and even more so, be afraid of its repetition. This can lead to undesirable consequences. Occasional cases of accelerated ejaculation can be completely overcome.
However, there are other cases when premature ejaculation is persistent and observed with each sexual encounter. In these cases, its causes may be organic in nature. Such men should definitely contact a sex therapist, because there are many reasons for premature ejaculation, and only a specialist can establish the true cause and eliminate it. In addition to treatment, a sex therapist will recommend a set of special exercises with which a man will learn to control himself, as well as family therapy sessions.
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