Premature ejaculation


These are substances that are believed to increase the sexual capabilities of both men and women, while causing sexual desire. Their beneficial use is also known from the ancestors. On hearing, everyone who was tormented by sexual problems, drugs of plant or animal origin: ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, pantocrine, golden root, zamanika. In addition, Eleutherococcus, Sterculia, Apilac, vitreous, Fibs, Aralia, Leuzea gives good results. It’s no secret that in some cases the use of medicinal herbs may be more effective than the use of synthetic medicines. Therefore, our grandfathers turned to grandmothers for tinctures, collected herbs and followed those strange recipes that passed from mouth to mouth for centuries. Astratal is still very popular in China – one of the herbaceous plants whose seeds treat premature ejaculation.

In Europe, an ergot extract of 20-30 drops 3 times a day is also used to treat premature ejaculation. Polish sexologist M. Wisłocka recommended 50 years ago a herbal powder – lupulin, which is based on hops in pharmacology. It can be taken both on the day of intercourse and for several months. Moreover, one patient suffices the minimum dose to prolong sexual intercourse for several minutes, and someone should take it three to four times more.

In recent years, drugs or drugs that improve the sexual function of men and women are called sexualontics. Modern research scientists give hope that in the near future will appear among them those that will become effective aphrodisiacs. But so far, unfortunately, the effectiveness of each of the known substances used to prolong sexual intercourse or treat premature ejaculation is not high.

The use of aphrodisiacs allows a man to believe in his own strength and feel like a full partner in sex. His fear and nervousness go away, which over time allows you to abandon the regular intake of drugs. It is no accident that the use of traditional medicine methods prevails over modern medical interventions. According to the WHO, in some African countries up to 80% of medical care is provided by traditional methods, in India – up to 65%.

Herbal preparations are also popular in developed countries: in Australia, up to 48% of cases of medical care are accounted for by traditional methods, in Belgium – 40%, in Canada – 70%, in France – 75% and in the USA – 42%.

How popular are these drugs in Europe is the fact that, wherever tinctures are made by one’s own hands, any medicine is stored in every refrigerator or subfloor: ginseng or pantocrine, propolis and aloe, celandine, viburnum, mountain ash, calendula decoction, daisies, oak bark, aspen, etc.

For the treatment of various kinds of sexual dysfunctions in men, herbal preparations are used. Ayurvedic medicine has proved to be especially effective for prolonging the time of sexual intercourse, in particular in the fight against accelerated ejaculation. With proper use and skillful prescription, herbal preparations give good results with combined use.

Many of today’s remedies already include a number of components and many of those that affect the rate of ejaculation. For example, the composition of the “Golden Horse” includes ginseng, seahorse, cojilling leaves, sow leaves, kidney tea. Although the seahorse in China itself is used with no less effectiveness for the treatment of a number of diseases.

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