Male orgasm
Male orgasm has a short-term (pikoobrazny) character, after which a refractory period usually occurs. Only some young men have practically no period of sexual non-irritability, which allows them to continue sexual intercourse after ejaculation and achieve a new orgasm.
The orgasm in men differs from the female orgasm in the presence of two stages. In the first stage, there is a reduction in the vas deferens, seminal vesicles and the prostate, and the man has a feeling of inevitability of ejaculation. At the second stage of orgasm, they are additionally joined by contractions of the urethra and penis, causing ejaculation, which in most cases is accompanied by orgasmic experiences. Although, as a rule, ejaculation and orgasm occur simultaneously, these processes should not be mixed. Orgasm provides the removal of accumulated sexual tension and is associated with intense mental experiences. Ejaculation is the release of semen, which in some neurological and mental disorders may not be accompanied by orgasm. At the same time, orgasm without ejaculation is often observed during masturbation in boys who have not reached puberty and people who use drugs. The absence of ejaculation with intact orgasm is possible with retrograde ejaculation, when sperm are thrown into the bladder, as well as with a small amount of ejaculate in old age.
According to G. Kelly, for a small number of men there is an opportunity to experience two orgasms and more before ejaculation occurs. Perhaps this is due to their mastering the skills of muscle control, which allow you to feel some internal contractions and orgasmic experiences, avoiding the onset of ejaculation. The latter circumstance also indicates the relative independence of male orgasm and ejaculation.
Orgasmic dysfunction is the most common disorder of the sexual sphere in women. According to A. Kinsey, 17% of women who have sex life for at least 5 years have not experienced an orgasm. Z.V. Rozhanovskaya and A.M. Svyadosch found that in the first 3 months after marriage only 22% of women experienced orgasm, by the end of the first year of marriage – 42%, after 5 years of marriage – 72%, and over 10 years after the start of regular sexual life – 89%. Moreover, for the first time, an orgasm appeared in 30% of women soon after giving birth, in 11% – much later than childbirth, and in 18% – with the change of sexual partner.
In women, there are absolute and relative anorgasmia. Absolute – has a total character, that is, an orgasm does not occur during erotic dreams, masturbation, petting or sexual intercourse with any partner, as well as in other sexually exciting situations. If a woman is able to at least occasionally reach orgasm during masturbation, in a dream or during sexual intercourse, but it is absent through sexual contact with a specific partner, this is relative anorgasmia. In addition, primary anorgasmia is distinguished – from the very beginning of sexual activity – and secondary – develops after a period when a woman had an orgasm.
Many women do not consider a prolonged absence of orgasm to be a serious problem. However, quite often the difficult and rare occurrence of orgasmic discharge or its complete absence (despite the fact that the feeling of orgasm is familiar to the woman, and during intercourse she experiences arousal) leads to increasing dissatisfaction with the sexual relationship and cooling to the partner. Anorgasmia can cause irritation, anxiety, anxiety in a woman, up to the development of neurotic disorders, and in the gynecological field – described by X. Kaplan (1974) congestive hyperemia syndrome of the pelvic organs, which contributes to the development of inflammatory and degenerative processes of the ovaries, uterus, vagina and surrounding tissues .
Among the organic causes that can block the occurrence of an orgasm in a woman, the following can be identified: diabetes or thyroid disease; various neurological disorders; hormonal deficiency; pathology of the pelvic organs; toxic effects (alcohol, drugs), drugs that inhibit orgasm (tranquilizers, antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs), etc.
Psychogenic forms of female anorgasmia are more common than organic. There are a number of negative psychological factors that, combined with each other, can lead to neurotic suppression of the orgasm in a woman. This is inadequate contraception and the fear of pregnancy; adverse conditions for sexual contact; false and negative attitudes towards sexual life and men; fear of loss of control during orgasm; anxious expectation of orgasm; repressed into an unconscious traumatic sexual experience that can inhibit the sensuality of a woman.
Partnership problems play a significant role in the emergence of female anorgasmia: a man does not create favorable conditions for a woman to experience orgasm with a lack of sexual experience, which is manifested in the inability to provide effective erotic stimulation; if he suffers from sexual dysfunction, which hampers the normal conduct of coitus; the selfish desire of men to achieve their own satisfaction while ignoring the needs of women; if in choosing a partner a woman was guided by non-erotic motives (ensuring high material well-being, prestige, the desire for absolute subordination to herself of a man, marriage at the insistence of relatives, etc.); partnership conflicts related to adultery or alcoholization of a spouse, his permanent employment at work, arrogant dismissive attitude towards the personality of the woman and her interests (cause a woman to dislike the sexual partner).