Premature ejaculation

Lack of sleep, stress, heated seats. What kills potency?

A man who has problems with potency usually goes not to a doctor, but to a pharmacy and immediately asks for something “stronger and more effective.” Imagine his disappointment when the “armor-piercing” medicine does not help. Why do pharmacological agents often do not give an effect and is it possible to raise potency without the help of medicines?

It is no coincidence that most of these drugs are strictly prescription drugs. This therapy has not only contraindications, but also a limited effect. For example, they “don’t work” in men who are testosterone deficient. Therefore, taking them in the presence of hormonal deficiency is pointless. In order for a drug to improve potency to show its strength, it is first required to eliminate the hormonal imbalance.

How to do it?

The simplest thing is with the same medicines. However, doctors resort to pharmacology only if the patient suffers from irreversible hypogonadism. In this case, he is prescribed androgen replacement therapy.

Other men are advised to eliminate negative factors that “kill” potency. These include

1. Sleep problems. All hormones are produced according to the circadian rhythm. If a person disrupts the rhythms of sleep, the production of hormones is also disrupted.

2. Stress. From the point of view of evolution, sexual function is needed primarily for reproduction and subsequent survival of the offspring. Since offspring can only survive in a favorable environment, in an unfavorable environment, the body does not make sense to waste energy on its own reproduction. Therefore, stress suppresses both attraction and the production of sex hormones.

3. Obesity. With excess weight, additional adipose tissue is formed, which also gives pathological synthesis of hormones and thereby suppresses the synthesis of the necessary ones.

4. Intoxication (poisoning) of any origin. Foreign chemicals affect receptors and also disrupt hormone regulation.

5. Age. In all men after 30 years, the involution of the reproductive system normally begins – from this age the testosterone level gradually decreases. The age at which problems form depends on what peak hormones the man had during puberty and what is the rate of decline in testosterone levels, which depends on lifestyle.

If a man has obesity and physical inactivity, then hypogonadism (testosterone deficiency) can come at the age of 30. If you do not have risk factors at all, this condition may not be approached even by the age of 80.

6. Taking steroid drugs. The formulas of the main anabolic steroids are very similar in structure to natural steroid hormones, and, accordingly, they are recognized by the pituitary and hypothalamus. And since the regulator believes that there is an excess of them in the body, it gives the command to turn off the production of its own hormones.

A number of anabolic steroids have even been tested to create a male hormonal contraceptive. This idea was later abandoned – studies have shown that spermatogenesis is not completely suppressed (that is, as an anabolic contraceptive is ineffective), but after taking them there is a risk that the normal production of its own hormones will not be restored.

If we talk not only about testosterone, but also about the production of sperm, their production is also disturbed by physical inactivity, in which blood stagnates in the pelvic organs.

7. Overheating of the organs of the scrotum. The testicles are not just outside the body. For them to work properly, the temperature should be 2-3 degrees lower than the body temperature. If a man wears tight underwear, often uses a heated seat or is in a forced position for a long time (which simultaneously gives rise to overheating), this also negatively affects sexual function.

If we are not talking about irreversible dysfunction of the testicle (for example, as a result of trauma), the prognosis is quite favorable. Lifestyle changes in most cases leads to the complete and unconditional elimination of testosterone deficiency.

By the way, the normalization of the production of sex hormones improves not only intimate life. A sufficient level of male sex hormones in the blood makes muscles strong, bones strong and serves as the prevention of obesity.

How can a man suspect that he is lacking in sex hormones?

In most cases, the main symptoms of hormonal deficiency are decreased libido (sexual desire) and erectile dysfunction. But since such symptoms can also be observed in other diseases, doctors usually recommend taking an analysis for sex hormones.

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