Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation in men with higher education is more common

Ejaculation disorders are one of the most common sexual disorders in men. Complaints about the duration of sexual intercourse are presented by more than half of patients who turn to sexopathologists. There are many men who do not go to doctors, but who are concerned about the duration of sexual intercourse (that is, the time from the introduction of the penis into the vagina and the onset of frictions to ejaculation). According to scientists, such men from 45 to 56%.

Ejaculation can be early (before the introduction of the penis into the vagina), premature, or accelerated (if the man cannot prolong the sexual intercourse for more than one minute), and difficult (delayed), in which the sexual intercourse is lingering and ejaculation (and therefore orgasm, sexual satisfaction) may not occur at all.

Normally, according to Western scientists, ejaculation should occur 2-6 minutes after the onset of sexual intercourse and, on average, after 30-50 frictions.

Premature ejaculation (ejaculation) is the main complaint of 35–40% of men who turn to sex therapists. This disorder is the occurrence of an orgasm and ejaculation before a man wants it.

This is considered a dysfunction when ejaculation occurs regularly before or immediately after the introduction of the penis into the vagina. And after prolonged sexual abstinence or with strong sexual excitement, the first sexual intercourse may end too quickly. Premature ejaculation may occur with several subsequent sexual intercourse. If in the future the duration of sexual intercourse is restored, then this is not sexual dysfunction.

With early ejaculation (even before the introduction of the penis into the vagina), it is impossible to have sexual intercourse, since after ejaculation, the erection disappears. Most often, it occurs immediately before the introduction of the penis into the vagina, when the penis comes into contact with the labia minora, or with the entrance to the vagina, but can also occur during the period of preliminary erotic caresses, even when they are not associated with touching the genitals of the man. Ejaculation can occur when kissing with a partner, when touching her genitals and even when she undresses before sexual intercourse.

An erection may be normal or partial. In some cases, ejaculation occurs even in the complete absence of an erection, before it appears.

The term “ejaculation too early” is used in those cases when ejaculation occurs after the introduction of the penis, but before the onset of an orgasm in a woman. In these cases, the ejaculation occurs immediately after immission, after several frictional movements or after frictions for 1-2 minutes, but before the onset of orgasm in a woman. Accelerated ejaculation does not make it possible to satisfy a woman.

The premature onset of ejaculation in a man, before the onset of orgasm in a woman, can be caused not only by his disorders, but also by slowed down, inhibited sexual reactions of women.

Imelinsky considers too early an ejaculation that occurs before 2 minutes have elapsed since the introduction of the penis, if the partner did not have an orgasm.

Other sexopathologists consider ejaculation too early, which occurs before 25 frictions are performed.

The famous American sexologist A. Kinsey believed that a man should be considered prematurely ejaculating if he can not keep his penis in the woman’s vagina for more than two minutes without reaching a partner orgasm.

Sexologists W. Masters and V. Johnson believe that a man ejaculates prematurely, “if he can not control his ejaculation process for a sufficiently long period of time during intravaginal contents to satisfy his partner in at least 50% of sexual intercourse.”

That is, according to such authoritative sexologists, if the frequency of orgasms in a woman is half that of her partner, then such a man ejaculates prematurely. Thus, those men who are unable to satisfy their partner every second time can be considered prematurely ejaculating. And those sexual egoists who do not seek to satisfy their partner at all – and even more so.

According to Tao philosophers, such figures could not be accepted in ancient China. For teachers of the Tao of love, every man who is unable to wait until his partner is completely satisfied every time still has room for improvement.

Partnership is of great importance here, since ejaculation too early means that it occurs before a woman has an orgasm.

Some sex therapists believe that 1-2 minutes is enough for the appearance of an ejaculation, which can no longer be considered premature.

Coitus time indicators are very relative, since sexual intercourse is performed by two partners, and sexual life is considered normal, which brings satisfaction to both partners, so that the absolute time of sexual intercourse in itself is not significant. If during the coitus the partner did not experience orgasm, then this cannot be considered normal sexual life of the partner couple, no matter how long the intercourse lasted.

The final criterion that allows us to consider ejaculation as normal or premature is the presence of an orgasm in a woman and the duration of sexual intercourse is at least 2 minutes.

W. Masters and V. Johnson consider premature ejaculation when a man cannot control ejaculation after the penis is inserted for the time necessary for the partner to get sexual satisfaction in at least 50% of cases. This definition is suitable only for that partner couple in which a woman is able to experience orgasm and is in favorable conditions.

Premature orgasm in a woman, if it occurs before the man’s orgasm, does not interfere with the further course of sexual intercourse, therefore it is not a pathology, but on the contrary, it is much easier to satisfy such women, and this indicates the temperament of the partner.

A partnership is considered favorable and normal when both partners experience a state of orgasm, even if sexual intercourse is short-lived.

And in those cases when, despite a much longer sexual intercourse, a woman does not have an orgasm, despite the desire to achieve an orgasm, then such a partnership is regarded as unsuccessful from the point of view of sexopathology. Sexopathologists refer to this condition as sexual disharmony. If sexual disharmony is prolonged, then this can lead to the appearance of secondary neurotic disorders and unwillingness of partners to continue sexual relations.

Depending on which of the partners, despite the long sexual intercourse, does not reach orgasm, sex therapists identify the “bearer” of the causes of sexual disharmony and the dysfunction of the partnership.

There are also possible cases when one of the partners experiences an orgasm earlier (most often it is a man), then this prevents the onset of orgasm in a woman, even if she was already quite excited and felt an approaching orgasm.

Partnership failure does not mean that each partner will have the same relationship when changing partners. Often a man with another partner does not ejaculate so quickly, and a woman from a dysfunctional partner couple is able to experience an orgasm with another man.

The duration of stimulation before the onset of ejaculation, the duration of the arousal phase, the age and novelty of the sexual partner and the situation, and the frequency of sexual contact are important.

Premature ejaculation is more common among young men, as well as in young and mature men with a new sex partner.

Most men suffering from premature ejaculation, from the very beginning of sexual activity could not control ejaculation. This primary form is associated with sexual inexperience, fear of intimacy, underestimation of the partner’s desires or the presence of sexual dysfunction.

But in some men, this symptom occurs a second time, after a period of normal control over ejaculation. The secondary form is associated with the depreciation of the entire complex of partnerships and conflicts that raise fears in their sexual abilities, and the more negative experience accumulates, the greater the tension and anxiety of a man and the more pronounced his ejaculation disorder.

Premature ejaculation in men with higher education is observed more often than in less educated men.

Early and even premature ejaculation can be regarded as a physiological phenomenon in adolescents and young men (and sometimes in adulthood) if they have sexual intercourse for the first time in their life or after a long break.

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