Premature ejaculation

The cause of premature ejaculation is due to psychological factors

A long period of sexual abstinence contributes to the physiologically determined increased sexual excitability, the manifestation of which is premature ejaculation. As regular and fairly frequent sexual intercourse is established, increased excitability gradually disappears.

This is due to the fact that each ejaculation reduces the degree of sexual excitability, and if the frequency of sexual intercourse is high enough, the sexual life is regulated. If a man knows the essence of his premature ejaculation, then over time there will be a positive dynamics of this violation – it will be eliminated with regular sex life.

But if a man does not know this and shows increased concern about premature ejaculation, then the dynamics can be unfavorable – secondary neurotic disorders can occur, dysfunction will consolidate, and this will affect the relationship with the sexual partner and the whole life of the man.

A person could receive information about the mechanism of premature ejaculation and recommendations on how to prevent this at the appointment of a sex therapist, but as already mentioned, many men are afraid to see a specialist, fearing an official diagnosis and sexopathological treatment, or hoping that everything somehow by itself will cost. And even worse, when a man begins to avoid sexual intercourse due to premature ejaculation. In this case, the chances that he will form a neurosis, and the disorder will become persistent, are much greater.

That is why I consider it necessary to inform my readers about the causes and mechanism of this sexual dysfunction so that men know that there is nothing fatal. The disorder is completely eliminated if it has not yet taken shape in a neurosis, and a man suffering from premature ejaculation can very well cope with it on his own. Recommendations are given in the next chapter. But even sexual neurosis is successfully treated, so you should not consider this a tragedy.

The causes of premature ejaculation, scientists include the following:

  • low frequency of sexual acts, which leads to an excessive increase in sexual arousal;
  • a feeling of anxiety and fear during intercourse associated with external factors or anxiety due to the possible dissatisfaction of a woman;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, the back of the urethra and their consequences;
  • neurotic reactions and neurosis.

Quite often, premature ejaculation is associated with the impossibility of regular sex life, as well as insufficient awareness of normal sex life, which in an inexperienced boy or young man leads to the appearance of fears and concerns. And as with erection dysfunction, if a man before sexual intercourse is afraid in advance that he will fail, and he ejaculates quickly, then the likelihood that this will actually happen is very high. Even an isolated case confirms a man’s fears, especially if he is suspicious and insecure in character. The next time, his fears of being “not up to par” will be even stronger, respectively, even more likely that ejaculation will occur earlier than he would like. And so there is a vicious circle. Very often, such men begin to avoid intimate relationships and communication with women. And completely in vain. As already mentioned, the more irregular sexual activity, the longer breaks, the worse things will be with ejaculation. An atmosphere of rush and nervousness contributes to early and premature ejaculation, if it is accompanied by sexual intercourse.

Thus, summing up all that has been said, the cause of premature ejaculation is primarily associated with psychological factors – a man’s fear of failure, excessive preoccupation with his sexual partner, hastily having sex, lack of self-control, love and over-excitement, meeting after long separation, the first sexual intercourse with a new partner, a long period of erotic caresses, when the partner reached a strong arousal, and much more. Quick ejaculation can be in the life of every man.

The reason for premature ejaculation, according to Imelinsky, may be not only the increased sexual arousal of a man, but the particular sexuality of a woman who wants enough long intercourse (or very sophisticated caresses) to experience an orgasm.

Sometimes too early ejaculation occurs due to too much sexual or motor activity of a woman, for example, if she provides strong erotic stimulation or makes quick and unexpected movements for the man with the pelvis and the whole body, especially in a critical period when the excitability is very pronounced, namely at the moment insertion of the penis into the vagina or immediately after it. There may be a psychological impact of a woman when she arouses strong emotional stress in a partner, sexual and non-sexual, or anxiety, which increases the risk of premature ejaculation.

According to the sexologist, the essence of control over ejaculation comes down to a man’s ability to control his own sexual arousal. However, control is dramatically complete, as it cannot foresee the behavior of a partner.

From the point of view of the psychoanalytic concept, premature ejaculation may be associated with a man’s unconscious fear of the vagina.

Premature ejaculation can occur as a result of early sexual intercourse that occurred in situations where it was undesirable to detect them.

A similar mechanism of this disorder can occur in young men and men of mature age, when sexual intercourse took place in an inappropriate situation, if there were other people nearby, or someone could enter the room, as well as in cases where normal sexual intercourse was interrupted by external interference.

The cause of premature ejaculation may be the unwanted pregnancy of a sexual partner, especially her requests and comments before and during intercourse.

One of the reasons for premature ejaculation can be an unwanted marriage associated with a conflict situation and hostility to a wife.

Some couples practice interrupted intercourse to prevent pregnancy. This is one of the common causes of a man’s subsequent premature ejaculation. With interrupted intercourse, a man must quickly remove the penis from the vagina to avoid sperm getting into it. In men with an unbalanced nervous system, this can increase arousal and accelerate the onset of ejaculation. This could have been avoided if there was no need for a sharp erection of the penis.

The need to quickly finish intercourse negatively affects the fear of external interference, for example, the appearance of strangers.

According to Milman, the causes of premature ejaculation can be long masturbation, prolonged sexual abstinence, frequent sexual excitement without subsequent sexual intercourse. All this contributes to the occurrence of congestion in the prostate gland and seminal tubercle, overstrain of the process of irritation in the cerebral cortex and a change in the threshold of excitability of the center of ejaculation in the spinal cord.

The very fact of premature ejaculation is the cause of the formation of a conditioned pathological reflex, which will lead to the occurrence of sexual dysfunction. Some patients complain to the doctor that if they only think about the possibility of premature ejaculation, it immediately occurs.

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