Premature ejaculation

Is it true that music stimulates sexual arousal?

It is known that music stimulates sexual arousal. Rarely, this method will help someone in a specific situation to extend the time of sexual intercourse. Although, you may have to give up your own pleasure. The use of music for medicinal purposes has long been known, although it does not directly affect sexuality, but rather the general emotional mood. Sometimes it is considered as the main method (“Swedish school”), sometimes music has an auxiliary role (“American school”). K. Imelinsky sees in music therapy a method for synchronizing the sexual behavior of partners, where the melody, rhythm, and sound power have a powerful effect on the emotional state of a person and the activity of his body.

According to experts, harmonious music creates a pleasant mood, is able to slow down the pulse, lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. The annoying melody speeds up the pulse, causes negative associations, slows down the breathing rate, changes muscle tone and motor activity. Its calm rhythm calms, fast – excites. Interestingly, the erotic perception of music depends on the level of education culture of the individual. A. Kinzy also noted that men and women with higher education are more excited by classical music, and less educated by popular music. Emotionally inhibited people with hypertrophied self-control are afraid to surrender to the power of expressive music, awakening in their souls unusual and unacceptable feelings, because they are afraid of their own sexuality. There are those who consider music a means of emancipation and emotional recovery. Some people include music that distracts or distracts a partner during intercourse.

In Europe, music therapy for the treatment of sexual disorders was used by S. A. Gurevich (1986) in a neuropsychiatric clinic. They identified three of their main types of programs: diagnostic, treatment, psycho-hygienic. Programs of the first type are intended for differential diagnosis between psychoses and borderline neuropsychiatric disorders causing sexual disorders. Programs of the second type (therapeutic) are aimed at harmonizing the general mental and somatic state of the patient and stimulating communication in a married couple, for correspondence social, psychological and sexual training of a married couple. And background and special musicosexotherapy programs are used at home in the process of sexual intimacy.

If background programs are used to prevent sexual dysfunctions and to treat imaginary sexual dysfunctions, creating a mood for sexual intimacy (these are melodies loved by a couple with pleasant associations and memories), then special sex therapy programs are used “to control the emotional state of a married couple and correct disturbed psychophysiological sexual phenomena “. This author recommends selecting musical material, taking into account the individual characteristics of his perception by members of a married couple. Since the rhythm has a direct biological effect on the human body, with premature ejaculation, the rhythmic pattern must be stable, because it helps to prolong sexual intimacy. And with a weak erection, on the contrary, it is recommended to increase the rhythmic pattern.

If in preparation for intimacy, 2–4 melodic passages with a total duration of 10–20 min are used, then during the process of intercourse, instrumental and jazz compositions with a duration of each melodic passage of 1–3 min at all stages preceding are used the onset of orgasm.

Music during time dedicated to orgasm is limited to elementary rhythms, sharply accented sounds. In some cases, silence can “sound” for 1-2 minutes, because with full concentration on sexual intimacy, music is not consciously perceived. At the last stage, relaxing tunes.

Men suffering from premature ejaculation show a “violation” of the subjective sensation of time, and the musical rhythm can help in its regulation, delaying the onset of ejaculation. Thanks to the treatment with music, the senses of time and rhythm are subconsciously regulated, then what is most harmonious in this pair is assimilated.

Among the positive qualities of this method are the following: accessibility, harmlessness, ease of use and ease of use, the possibility of self-monitoring and, according to K. Imelinsky, a low probability of joining a premature ejaculation of hypo-erection. Recall the beginning of this paragraph – music stimulates sexual arousal!


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